Welcome toTillamook
United Methodist Church!

Nourishing our Community
with the Love of Christ:
We are a welcoming and friendly congregation,
with a special heart for our alphabet pals.
We are learning and growing, always,
and we encourage each person
to cultivate a relationship with the Creator
and to connect regularly with the beautiful gift of creation.
We believe that our Creative Dreamer has a purpose for your life,
and we are here to share the journey of discovery with you.
This is a safe place to explore your faith.
We want you to ask questions,
to bring your wonder,
to bring your inspiration,
to bring your creativity,
to become curious about your existence,
and to join with fellow seekers
as we work together
to bring healing, comfort, wisdom and hope
to a hurting world.
We pledge in our baptismal vows to resist evil, oppression and injustice
in whatever forms they may be found, and we invite you to join us.
We're Making A Place For YOU!
Everyone is welcome and cherished here!

Join us for the Journey!

Upcoming Events
Worship Services
10:30 AM