Christ has Risen!
Christ has risen indeed!
We have this call and response at the beginning of every Easter service. It reminds us of the reason we come together, and reminds us that death does not have the final word. We are Easter People. As we celebrate the Resurrection, we remember that joy returns, just as a rainbow after a storm reminds us of the beauty of life continuing, even after destruction and nature's pruning.

The double rainbow pictured above emerged just after we wrapped up our Holy Saturday prayer vigil this year as our pastor sung over our community and prayed for healing, blessings and reconciliation between all peoples in this area, and for the healing of the ancestral people of this land. We pray for the blessing and benefit of future generations, and for our shared relationship with the Natural World, as we welcome all people to join us in this place.
We pray blessings upon you all, and we welcome you to join us in worship, in play or in the community garden planted to nourish our community in love. Join us for the journey!